Collision And Comprehensive Coverages When Buying ICBC Autoplan Insurance

People purchase ICBC Autoplan insurance every day, but not everyone knows exactly what they are receiving for their premiums. Below are collision and comprehensive coverages.

ICBC Autoplan Collision coverage is available to cover physical damage to your vehicle. Even the best drives make mistakes and this coverage will help you cover repair and replacement costs when you are at fault in a crash. Different deductibles for collision are available – $300, $500, $1000 and $2500. Every driver can purchase this coverage unless they have had a history of multiple collision claims coverage at all. In that case higher deductibles or no coverage at all can be offered.

ICBC Autoplan Comprehensive coverage is non-collision damage that can happen in a variety of different ways. Fire, theft and vandalism are the standards for this coverage but things like chipped windshields and fallen trees can happen as well. Making claims on this coverage will not affect your current safe-driving discount. Deductibles come in the same limits as Autoplan Collision coverage ($300, $500, $1000, $2500).

Comprehensive coverage also includes free windshield repair when the damage is smaller than a loonie. When the $300 deductible is purchased comprehensive coverage includes a deductible limit of $200 for windshield damage caused by missiles or flying objects. Other types of non-collision damage that Autoplan comprehensive covers includes earthquake, explosion, hitting a domestic or wild animal, falling or flying objects such as a rock or gravel hitting your windshield, and weather related damages including lightning, windstorm, hail, and rising water.

Hopefully after reading his you have a better understanding of what is covered with these coverages, and if you still have questions don’t hesitate to call and ask your Autoplan broker.